Monday, December 21, 2009

Jack' Barking For His Food

Jack likes to bark for his food especially in the morning.

He used to bark around 6am but since after his recent operation, he barks after 7am.

My housekeeper has gone back to Philippines for good and we have no intention to employ another one so the feeding is up to me now.

Initially, we bought an auto-feeder ( read my early postings on it ) but since he is recovering from his operation, I give Jack soft food rather than dry food so I stopped using the auto-feeder.

So no sleeping in beyond 7am else Jack will wake up the whole neighbourhood especially on weekends.......sigh

However, Jack forgot to bark for his food this morning but I woke up worrying what wrong with him....ha...ha....

Somehow he must have lost track of time as it rained early this morning and I found him in his usual corner.

Good Boy....Jack!


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jack Operation Wound

Jack is recovering well but his operation wound with its stitches have dried up and slowly falling off.

The hair has not grown back yet ...... you can see the shaven tummy in the photo above.

The wound is healing well but sometimes the flies get attracted to it and I have to smacked them but they come back again and again......


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Jack Is Recovering Now

I went to fetch Jack home late this morning.

The Vet showed me his x-ray and there was a big mass shown in Jack's tummy.

It turned out to be grass, hair and sand all stuck together to form a big lump...!

In the Invoice, there was a note saying that Jack should be confine and not able to ingest more sand, grasses and hair during his recovery period...!

Jack is still blur and weak so he is home and sleeping it off. Drank a lot of water but still not eating yet.

My son, Jason, commented that this is the first time we see Jack not eating and not yearning for any treat..... so pitiful......Jack must really be down and out.....!

We have to keep his wound dry so we put a T-shirt on him again.

Well, we look forward to his speedy recovery.......

I have to figure out how to confine him and not let him into the garden.......


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jack Is Sick Again


Jack was not his usual self after dinner last night.

He was walking slowly and could not lie down at all.

HE even refused his treats....!
NO barking at all too...!

We were concerned and called the the hotline for his Vet. After talking to him and describing the symptoms of JAck, he felt that it is not life threatening and to bring Jack in to the clinic the folloiwng morning if no improvement.

We felt slightly better but it was so painful to see Jack standing the whole night with such a pitiful look. He even went to his favourite corner below the palm tree in the garden after the rain stopped.........sob...sob.....

I woke up at 6am to see if he could eat his food but he was not interested at all and still the same as the night before.

I took him to the Vet but have to wait for > 1 hour as we did not have an appointment....sigh

The vet suspect something wrong with his tummy and suggested to take a blood test and also x-ray his tummy. I have to sign a form to allow them to operate if there is a need.

After lunch, the Vet called to update us that there seems to be something opaque shown in the x-ray and they have to operate to remove it;......maybe plastic object...?

After dinner, the clinic called to inform us that Jack has a successful operation and I can collect him late tomorrow morning.

The Vet will talk to me then..... I am dying to know what Jack ate.....?

I wish for a speedy recovery for Jack and back to good health again.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pet Food Automatic Feeder - Progress

Jack is slowly getting used to the pet food auto-feeder but he still barks for his food during the meal times....... sigh.....

At least, he is not running away from it, as shown in the first video in my earlier posting.

But I have to reinforce the auto-feeder as Jack would push and claw at it for more food..!

So I have to surround it with a wire fence and hooked it to the wall, and finally covering it with a plastic bag so that he could not see the food inside else he will not give up on it..!

So far, it is working fine ....... but we are still monitoring it closely...

Here is a short video of Jack having his dinner.....

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pet Food Automatic Feeder


Jack likes to start barking for his food as early as 6am and to-date, my Filipino housekeeper has been waking up to feed him......

It used to be 7am but Jack has started to feel hungry earlier now.....?

It could be quite annoying to my neighbours on weekends so I bought a Pet Food Automatic Feeder.

So what does this gadget do?

There is a timer and I can programmed the times to feed Jack and also the portion of food..... only dry food though..!

Our initial concern was that Jack could 'attack' the container as he is always greedy for food and treats....... Beagles are known to have a bottomless pit when it comes to food....!

This video shows the first encounter of Jack with the automatic feeder..... quite funny...

First time that Jack ran away from his food...ha.....ha....

Hope Jack will get used to it ...... so stay tuned as I will keep you updated later on the progress.


Jack Getting His Food Automatically

Jack has been barking at early as 6am for his first meal of the day.

We have decided to buy an Automatic Pet Feeder to solve the problem of having to wake up so early to feed Jack especially on weekends, before our neighbours start complaining to us.

Here is a video of Jack's first encounter with the automatic feeder.....

Quick funny as Jack run away from his food as he was startled by it.

Jack is still barking at the auto-feeder and pushing it around for more food.....ha...ha...

He should be getting use to it slowly...... but we are still keeping an eye on him during his meals for the time being.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Jack Close-up


This is a close-up of Jack the Beagle.......... 12 years old!

Still looking good......

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jack at the Gate


Jack love to position himself at the gate after 5pm to watch the world goes by.....

Or rather barking at other dogs taking their evening walk or waiting for us to come home.

Love you, Jack!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Jack sleeping in his crate


Jack has this large crate to sleep and this is how he sleeps in it.

Amazing.... how he can stick his head out of the crate....!

He can also cramped himself into a smaller crate but I just threw it away as it have been worn out due to wear and tear over the years.......

That's my Jack...!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Jack Bit His Tail


We found Jack biting his tail one day and the skin was raw and red.

We managed to put some medicine on his tail and then put on the collar ( forgot the proper name for it ) so that Jack could not go and bite his tail anymore.

Jack still managed to jump up and leaned against the window to peep into the house. So cute....!

After a few days, his tail healed and he is doing fine now.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Album of Ruby's Photos


This is the album of Ruby's photos taken in Sep 2009, just before she went to her new home.

Ruby Re-homed


While we miss Ruby, our Corgi, dearly but we are happy that we managed to re-home her successfully to a young couple without children.

This couple used to own a corgi.

They have Ruby for a 2 weeks' trial period before they confirmed that they really wanted Ruby.

For those who may not have been following my earlier postings, Ruby was too dominant and aggressive towards Jack, my beagle, and bit him again early this year. We decided to re-home Ruby so that Jack can has a more peaceful remaining years with us as he is 12 years old now.

Be a good girl, Ruby...... We love YOU....!

Mum, Dad n Jas

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jack Peeping

When we do not close our door properly, we will see Jack trying to come inside but he may just do some peeping first to check us out......

So cute ..............

Ooooopss......... Did Jack see some treats lying around...?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Ruby with her Toy

Ruby is now not so possessive over her toy, a tennis ball.

She used to hold it with her mouth most of the time, thinking that we will snatch it from her.

But we have let her alone with her ball and she is now more relax and not so snappy....ha...ha...

A nice shot of Ruby.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Jack Sunbathing

Jack likes to laze around under the sun....

You can see that Jack is facing towards the inside of the house and not looking outside.

He is very sensitive to our presence or movement inside the house.

And, of course, he is looking forward to us coming out to give him a treat too ........ha....ha....


Monday, September 7, 2009

Ruby Dog Pen Extended

Since Ruby was not successfuly re-homed, we decided to extend her pen and give her more space.

Her crate was also put inside the pen since there is much more space and she likes it too......

Ruby happily resting inside her crate.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Re-homing Ruby

A family was interested to adopt Ruby when they found out that she is a Corgi.

They somehow have a liking for Corgi only.....?

But they already have two Corgis already as shown below :

Scrappy, the male Corgi.

Daisy, the female Corgi.

Unfortunately, Scrappy and Ruby could not get along so after spending a night and a day together, Ruby was returned to us.

Ruby got along well with Daisy though as shown above; roaming the garden together.

Well, Ruby is very dominant and definitely should be the only pet dog in the family....?


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Caught Red-handed Again

Eventhough we tried to fenced up the hibiscus planat, Jack was caught red-handed trying to go for the leaves again.......!

Naughty Jack!

Jack found a way in to get closer to the plant.....

Oooops......caught within the wire fence...?

Jack was getting desperate and bold....!

We have no choice but to put smaller pots around the plant so that Jack cannot sneak in again!


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Jack Destroyed My Hibiscus Plant

Jack was caught red-handed again eating the hibiscus plant and he almost destroyed the whole plant except for a few main branches.

The plant has been shifted to the backyard for recovery, as shown in the photo below:

We got another hibiscus plant and has to fence it to keep Jack away from it......

Naughty Jack!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Jack Caught Eating Leaves

While Mum and Jean were doing some re-potting of a hibiscus plant, Jack was biting and chewing on some of its leaves......ha..ha...

Jack was caught red-handed and on digital image too......!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Jack In-between My Legs


I held Jack in-between my legs and use my mobile to take a few shots of him.

It turned out quite nice and surprisingly, Jack did not move or struggled to get out ...ha...ha....


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Rubby & Her Toy


Ruby has her own toy and it is a tennis ball.

We used to bounced it on the floor and she would bark like crazy.

When she catches it with her mouth, she would guard it and growl at you. We dare not snatch it from her and would have to distract her from the ball to get it back.

Recently, in her new dog pen, we decided to let her keep her toy the whole day.

I think she senses that we are not taking it back so she will just guard it or even let it off her guard. I would take it and bounce it inside her pen to play with her.
And if I want to take it from her, I would hold her collar and pull her away from the ball as I think she will still snap at me but she has stopped growling though.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Jack & Ruby Separation


I have made a bigger dog pen for Ruby so as to isolate her from Jack since she last attacked Jack, read my earlier postings.

Jack is allowed to roam free though since he was our first dog and given his seniority; 12 years old now.

But he is also chained occasionally when we have guests or expecting Jason's tutor in the evening as we are concerned that they open the gate too wide and Jack will make a go for it....naughty old man!

With this arrangement, we have to take Ruby out for a short walk to pee; 3 times a day. But we also take Jack out too so that he will not be jealous about it.

Ruby is enjoying her nap..... while Jack is looking inside the house and hoping to get some snacks or treats......ha...ha....

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Annual Vaccinations For Jack & Ruby


Jack & Ruby were taken to the vet for their annual vaccinations recently.

Ruby was placed in front with me and Jack was given the back seat with my housekeeper, Jean.

Unfortunately, I have muzzled Ruby to prevent her from starting a fight with Jack in the car.

At the same time, the vet also took a look at Jack's wounds and they are recovering very well.

I believe in having Jack and Ruby vaccinated yearly and dewormed.

Some dog owners do not do it as they try to cut cost but it is not advisable as it may not only harm your pets but you too, indirectly.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dog Muzzle For Ruby


I bought a dog muzzle for Ruby to prevent her from biting Jack; just to try it out to see if I can let two of them get together again.

After putting the muzzle onto Ruby's face, she seems so demoralised and looked so sad; staring at the ground as in shame.

So I decide not to use it except as a from of punishment if I catch her doing something wrong.

I used it the other day when I have to take both Jack and Ruby to the vet in the car.

I could not afford to have them fighting in the car!


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ruby Having Her Breakfast


Here is a photo of Ruby eating her morning meal of dry dog food in our kitchen area.

She sleeps in a crate kept in the kitchen area at the back of the house.

So we will let her out and feed her first thing in the morning before we bring her to the car porch where she has her own dog pen.
