Sunday, November 30, 2008

Getting a Puppy For A Christmas Present ?


I strongly believe that dog owners must be responsible and know what they are in for as having a puppy or a dog is a lifetime committment.

A puppy or a dog is not just a toy!

Here is an interesting article on getting someone a puppy as a present.

Dog Talk With Uncle Matty: Holiday Puppies
By Matthew “Uncle Matty” Margolis

Warm and cute. Wide-eyed and innocent. Peering out of a box once tied with a big red bow. Who wouldn't want a puppy for Christmas?

But that's not the question. The question is: Who's a good candidate to receive such a gift?

The problem with holiday puppies has everything to do with the holidays. It's a chaotic time, and puppies need stability and routine. They require significant one-on-one attention, which is hard to give while prepping hors d'oeuvres, filling glasses and basting a turkey.

And it's even harder to give en route from JFK to LAX with a connecting at O'Hare. Holiday travel simply leaves no time for puppy.

But even for those staying put for the holiday season, the home itself is often turned on its head, filled with strange people coming and going, doors opening and closing, lights blinking, candles burning, cords tangled up behind that irresistible glowing tree playing host to a cornucopia of bite-sized glass ornaments. All dangerous for puppy.

People who give the gift of a puppy often have their hearts in the right place. In many ways, a puppy embodies the spirit of Christmas: hopeful, playful, joyful, and full of life and love.

But a puppy isn't merchandise that can be returned like a lamp. A dog of any age is a living, breathing, sensitive creature that demands and deserves the time and attention it takes to make him a welcome and permanent member of the family.

The frenetic nature of most households during the time leading up to Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's in no way lends itself to the essential introductory and bonding period that forms the foundation of the human-canine relationship. Strike one.

Then there's housebreaking. If the dog owner is consumed with cleaning, cooking, shopping and wrapping, the dog probably isn't steeped in the Feed-Water-Walk system that leads to successful housebreaking. Strike two.

And from a motivational standpoint, if it's 28 degrees outside, it's that much more unappealing to get up and take puppy out two or three times between sundown and sunrise. Strike three. Why don't people give puppies for the Fourth of July?

The reality is that many -- far too many -- holiday puppies are returned to pet stores or abandoned in shelters come January. This being the case, the description of the best candidate to receive a puppy for Christmas looks something like:

-- has very few friends

-- has no travel plans

-- received minimal party invitations

-- loves freezing walks in the dead of night

-- hates holiday decorations, doesn't open the door to carolers, and refuses to buy or bake sweets of any kind, but especially those containing chocolate.

Lucky pooch.

All that considered, a puppy is still a personal choice. Not everyone wants one. Not everyone can take care of one. And those who want and are able to care for one will also want to be involved in the process of finding their perfect pup.

This year, instead of giving an actual puppy, why not give a puppy starter kit to someone you suspect might really love to have a dog? The kit could include a few books or videos on dog training, a soft chew toy, a blanket, a crate with good visibility, and a gift certificate for a trip to a shelter or rescue on you -- or any combination of the above!

In the end, if it turns out that puppy person is actually a cat person, no harm done. Everything in the box wrapped with the big red bow is as it should be -- merchandise that can be returned.



Friday, November 21, 2008

Stop Puppy Mills - Pet Store Chain Petland!

Maybe you saw Oprah’s show on puppy mills earlier this year and wondered how this cruelty can persist.

Today, The Humane Society of the United States releases the results of a shocking investigation revealing that pet store chain Petland Incorporated is the nation’s largest retail supporter of puppy mills.

The cruelty must end — watch our video and take action today.

America’s largest chain of puppy-selling pet stores, Petland Inc., is also the nation’s largest retail supporter of puppy mills. An eight-month investigation by The HSUS reveals that many Petland stores across the country are marketing puppy mill puppies to unsuspecting consumers.

Take Action !

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Who Has Been Killing My Lawn Grass?


I finally caught Jack my Beagle redhanded, peeing on some patches of grass in my garden lawn and his urine is killing the grass...!

When I consulted the gardener in a nearby nursery on why there are dead patches of grass in my garden lawn, he suggested a few reasons and one of them was that it could be due to the urine from my 2 dogs.

Well, I am trying to train Jack to urine in the same spot if possible. Somewhere not so obvious and an eye sore, I suppose.

No wonder it can be quite smelly when we sit by the windows at times.... thanks to Jack!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Everyone knows that chocolate is bad for dogs, but what about chewing gum?

Pooch lucky to be alive after eating gum
Luke Simcoe, Saskatchewan news Network; Canwest News Service
Published: Friday, November 07, 2008
SASKATOON -- Everyone knows that chocolate is bad for dogs, but what about chewing gum?

Tamara Hergott's seven-year-old beagle, Satchmo, is lucky to be alive after getting his paws on a package of Stride-brand gum.

"He ate the whole thing, wrapper and all," Hergott said.

The gum contained xylitol, a low-calorie sweetener used in a wide-range of products including gum, mints, chewable vitamins and some baked goods.

While safe for humans -- it's touted as an alternative for diabetics and good for dental health -- xylitol can be exceptionally harmful for dogs.

According to Maxie Krueger with the western college of veterinary medicine, xylitol can trigger hypoglycemia -- low blood sugar -- in dogs. High doses have been shown to cause liver damage or even liver failure.

Fortunately for Satchmo, Hergott caught him in the act and rushed him to the veterinarian. They induced vomiting, and although all the gum was thrown up, the dog was kept overnight on an IV drip and his blood sugar was closely monitored.

Satchmo didn't suffer any permanent damage, but Hergott says the vet told her the amount of gum the dog ate could have been fatal.

"If we wouldn't have noticed that he ate the gum, he would probably be dead," she said.

This isn't the first time Satchmo's indiscriminating appetite has got him in trouble. Among other eating mishaps, Hergott says the beagle once downed some chocolate during a Christmas dinner. Similar measures had to be taken, but the results weren't as serious.

© The Leader-Post (Regina) 200

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Saying My Prayers


I received this FANTASTIC photo of a boy and his dog praying before going to bed.
Look at the dog face......!

So intense and cute.....!