Sunday, December 7, 2008

Jack and Ruby - Afternoon Nap


Took this photo from the window with my mobile or cellphone.

Ruby loves to lie on her back and it is very unusual indeed. But my friends from the Corgi community told me that their Corgis do it too...ha..ha...ha....

Jack sleeps in various positions but never on his back like Ruby. Maybe he is too big to do the balancing act.

So how does your dog sleep....?



Ice Pony Girl said...

D...that's a cute photo! None of my dogs sleep on their backs, they love to curl up.

Anonymous said...


I recently brought home a female Corgi puppy, she's 9 & 1/2 weeks old now. I'm still trying to figure out some ways of training her not to bite and nip at our fingers/toes, and to supervise her litter training.

You mentioned a corgi community in Singapore? Would love to know which forum you guys converse on, so I can ask questions and advice if I need :) Hope you don't mind sharing with me?

- Kay, Singapore

David said...

Hi Kay,

Sorry for the late reply.

I suggest that you get a professional dog trainer to assist you, that's would be ideal.

Or borrow books from the library as there are lots of them in our community libraries here. I used to read a lot of them so as to better understand my dogs.

Sorry, the dog community is in US and not Spore.

Your puppy is teething so get her some plastic toy to bite instead. If she bites you, say 'NO' a command that she is a bad girl and eventually she should associate that 'NO' means not to do it.

You can also visit my other dog site for more info at

Have fun....
